Recently I've been feeling like my blog lacks certain... direction, if you will. I am going to try to implement a new category system, which will hopefully keep me updating on a regular basis and supply some consistency around here.
Here's what I'm thinking: I'll have a category for each day of the week (listed below) and weekends will be for updates and pictures on whatever it is I do on weekends.
Categories are tentative and will be subject to change as I develop them. :)
Music/Movie Mondays
Terrifying Tuesdays
Wonderful Wednesdays
Thoughtful Thursdays
Fashion Fridays
Out of 14 followers one of you has to read this semi-regularly. I'm counting on a little feedback here, kapeesh?
Now, seeing as how it is a Terrifying Tuesday, check out this mess.
Japan is apparently offering to create robotic dopplegangers to be sold at a department stores for 139,000 Euros. The robots are an exact silicone replica of the recipient with speech based on recordings of that person's voice. So far there are only two on sale and they don't walk (yet).
How can no one see this is a terrible idea?! This is how movies that end in the destruction of the human race begin. Just because you can Japan, doesn't mean you should!

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