Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The many moods of Ryan Gosling

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 0

I found these pictures from Fuck Yeah! Ryan Gosling via Filmdrunk. It's pretty funny. They also have a Fuck Yeah Anne Hathaway, but it's not really worth looking at. They should have these for more celebrities.

must resist buying

Nasty Gal always has some pretty cool stuff, but it's usually too expensive for me. However, these shoes are in my price range. I want these shoes more than I want to get married someday, which may be a moot point seeing as how it might be hard to convince someone to marry me with my outrageous spending habits.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm trying

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 2

“Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing.”

Benjamin Franklin

I'm currently working on the latter of these two suggestions. Sorry, for not keeping up.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Astronaut journey

Monday, June 22, 2009 0
Yet another fantastic advertisement for Louis Vutton by Annie Leibovitz

Friday, June 19, 2009

I will not apologize

Friday, June 19, 2009 0
These pictures are from the July issue of Vibe. Not only are The Roots one of my favorite hip-hop groups they just look like men I would want to be friends with. For those of you who don't tweet or know, ?uestlove is a Twittering fool. Check out some of the better ones below
@Questlove: wanna know how i can tell that the Jonas Bros *might* be in the 30 ROCK BUILDING? 11,000 FRIGGIN SCREAMING GIRLS CAN BE HEARD 8 BLOCKS AWAY!
@Questlove: ....& in "slowly morphing into his father news": it takes Questo 9 minutes to figure out where the plug fits on the palm pre. more news @ 11
@Questlove oh ish son for a sec i was like "i dont think B is gonna preciate Hov smilin near that blond and ish" rotf
@Questlove: pizza fight @ a pizza party gone wrong.
@Questlove: someone loves us: dunno who sent us this lifetime supply of Tomato Basil Wheat Thins, but i thank you & our trainer is plotting ur downfall
@Questlove: mark "zack" gosselaar is so nervous about this song. he has no zack swag. its gonna be cool dude, we gonna make it look cool! relax! lol
@Questlove: did I friggn just open my festival w/ an impromt song w/ jordan & donnie of NKOTB?
That is all
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