Friday, June 19, 2009

I will not apologize

Friday, June 19, 2009
These pictures are from the July issue of Vibe. Not only are The Roots one of my favorite hip-hop groups they just look like men I would want to be friends with. For those of you who don't tweet or know, ?uestlove is a Twittering fool. Check out some of the better ones below
@Questlove: wanna know how i can tell that the Jonas Bros *might* be in the 30 ROCK BUILDING? 11,000 FRIGGIN SCREAMING GIRLS CAN BE HEARD 8 BLOCKS AWAY!
@Questlove: ....& in "slowly morphing into his father news": it takes Questo 9 minutes to figure out where the plug fits on the palm pre. more news @ 11
@Questlove oh ish son for a sec i was like "i dont think B is gonna preciate Hov smilin near that blond and ish" rotf
@Questlove: pizza fight @ a pizza party gone wrong.
@Questlove: someone loves us: dunno who sent us this lifetime supply of Tomato Basil Wheat Thins, but i thank you & our trainer is plotting ur downfall
@Questlove: mark "zack" gosselaar is so nervous about this song. he has no zack swag. its gonna be cool dude, we gonna make it look cool! relax! lol
@Questlove: did I friggn just open my festival w/ an impromt song w/ jordan & donnie of NKOTB?
That is all


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