Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Marie Antoinette

Tuesday, December 30, 2008 0

I love Marie Antoinette. I was watching Sophia Coppola's Marie Antoinette, today, and everything about this movie, the colors, the set dressings, the clothing, and the attitude inspires me.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Day Off

Monday, December 29, 2008 0
Both Sean and I had the day off, so naturally we spent it playing around. I got this new Jacket for Christmas from Nordstrom. I love it so much I wore it in about 75 degree weather today. No matter, the weather doesn't determine what I wear, I wear what determines the weather. Rreadin in the park turned into "Hey, lets take photos of ourselves and then go play in that crazy art project!"

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Sunday, December 28, 2008 0
*SPOILER ALERT* I have not been able to stop thinking about The Curious Case of Benjamin Button since I saw it on Christmas night. Not really because it's particularly thought provoking, but mostly because I have yet to settle on a suitable moral of the story. I loved the movie; I was completely enthralled with the cinematography, makeup, and costumes (more on that later), but three days later I'm still having trouble finding a message that means something to me. Not every movie I love has to have a life altering moral, but I felt like TCCOBB was trying to tell me something, and I can't figure out what. I refuse to believe the message of the story(given as the tagline) is "life isn't measured in minutes, but moments.' That sounds like something I could find on several girls I knows's facebook profile. This is going to bug me.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is your standard coming of age story of Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt), except that he is coming of age backward. His mind and soul follow the same path as everyone else, but his body is born like that of an 85 year old and regresses all the way back to an infantile state. His doomed-from-the-beginning relationship with the beautiful Daisy(Cate Blanchett)begins when he looks 70 and she is only 8, which provides for a funny scene when he is scolded for being a pervert. The story follows them through difference epochs of their lives, both in and out of a relationship. The story is romantic, and filled with interesting characters. I didn't have much trouble sitting through this three hour long movie despite my short attention span.
This picture is easily the sweetest part of the movie. Ben and Daisy, both in their 30's ( I think) move into a duplex where they live on a mattress in the living room. We see a montage of them making love, fixing up the apartment, and generally acting happy being poor. They always romanticize being poor and happy in movies, to the point where I actually desire a life like that. Somehow, I don't think it's as great as they make it look. Although, I hope I'm wrong.

The costumes in this movie were so great. The two of these pictures above are ones for the look book. I wish I could find a picture of Cate Blanchett in this fantastic red dress, with her rosey cheeks and bright red lipstick. She looked stunning and I can still picture it in my head.
This was one of my favorite shots in the movie; it's just 20 something year old Daisy, who is on her way to becoming a world class dancer at this point, stretching her legs and exercising gorgeous dance technique as the audience views her silhouette on a gazebo against this lush fog. Breathtaking.

These last two pictures are all I have to attest to the great cinematography. Colors just don't look like this in real life. I wish I was a character in a movie :/

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Kitchen rainbow

Saturday, December 27, 2008 1
In an effort to be more positive, I'm trying to bring more bright color into my life(because they make me happy). This Kitchen Post its Rainbow is what I've been doing with all the extra leisure time I have on Christmas Break. It's not quite finished. I'll post the rest of it in a few days, hopefully.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 25, 2008 0

I hope you have a wonderful holiday :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Ode to Katy Perry

Monday, December 22, 2008 0
I really like Katy Perry, and Sean and his roommates are currently obsessed with her. At least once every time I visit they dance around yelling "You're hot then you're cold/you're in then you're out" in my face. So, I get a healthy dose of Katy Perry's sound, but I cannot get over her look.The girl always has on some kind of costume; She can do silly and sexy and classic beauty and look like she borrowed an outfit from a play or a circus even, but she always looks so confident. That's what really does it for me. I like to think I wear what I want regardless of what most people think, but I aspire to have the fashion confidence of Katy Perry.She just looks like a girl I'd want to know.

Here's lookin at you, toots.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Taylor and Emily Decorate the Christmas Tree

Thursday, December 18, 2008 0
For some reason my computer has been unable to load images from my camera until right now, today. A whole new world has been opened up for me. These are pictures from my friend, Taylor, and I making ornaments and decorating my Christmas tree.
This was what my Christmas tree looked like for a while before we made ornaments. I call him Peabody
Pixel's favorite spot to sleep. :)
Check out all the ornaments we made! The spikey crayon ball took me several glue sticks and a couple hours to make, but now it's the star on my tree!
Puttin them on. Here's a close up of one side of the tree. Notice Taylor's star made of Floam, it's rad.

Making the ornaments for my tree this year was so much better than spending money I don't really have. Taylor and I had a blast. All in All, I think I spent less than $15. I got most of my decorations at The Dollar Tree, Where everything is $1. Although, Taylor supplied the gluestick, so I didn't have to pay for that, but you could just as easily get away with Krazy Glue.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 0

I don't know about you, but tights are definitely on my Christmas list this year. I love all of the new colors they're coming out with. I'm also really glad people are picking up on the thinner tights that cover your feet; I'm not a big fan of the cotton ankle cut off leggings. They just have too much of a 80's workout type stigma for me to give them a try.

This place has a pretty good array of colors.

Photos are from The Sartorialist and I am Fashion

What's this.... a post?!

WAKE UP, I'm back!!

I'm sure everyone who may have been reading this at one point has lost their patience, or given up hope that I will post again. Alas, I am back if anyone is out there. I'm in the process of creating a new website that will consist of a blog, and-what I like to call an online boutique-where I travel to different cities and collect their best vintage pieces to sell on my site. I may not post on this site much long, but I will at least try to start posting again until I get my new site up and running.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Impossible Cool

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 0

Sorry, for my absence I'm in between jobs and finals will be here soon.

Anyway, if you were wondering where all the men are, I can tell you they are right here.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

soo many pretty people

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 0
Pretty cool.

These cupcakes are beeauuutiful.

I don't really even like cupcakes, but I would put these in a display case and keep them forever!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Here's to having a silly week.

Monday, October 27, 2008 0

It's gunna be a good one. I'm stoked about going to San Francisco this weekend!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My feelings exactly

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1

Strictly for your enjoyment: a recap of Monday's episode of The Hills.


Shantia 10.22.08 | 12:41 PM
"Spencer is working out ! ROFLMAO =)"

lucious1 10.22.08 | 2:36 PM
"audrina just needs to get over justin bobby!!! that boy cory is a total cutie! she's such a masoquist! is it just me or doesnt spencer look like a uni-bomber, with that beard?!?!...lol heidi, what can i say im kinda tierd of her trying to play that peace maker, when she stirs up drama too! oh yeah and one last note, can anyone remind me again why that fugly boy frankie is on the show?!?!?"

Preponderance-of-Good 10.22.08 | 1:25 PM
"I don't even know where to start... Audrina - you can't help who you love- Granted, but get over it already. I saw Justin on the short yellow bus and he's on the long ride home, for real. Lauren - stop tryna reason with Audrina so she can dump Justin. Haven't you learned your lesson from the first incident? Hello - McFly!!! She gotta learn on her own. So what if it makes her a fool. We've all been a fool for love. Doug - you're wack!! Stephanie - you'll never be apart of the click. You're just not one of them. Sorry. And your boyfriend is wack!!! Kick rocks homie. Get rid of him before you get dissed again. Heidi- always got Spencer's back no matter what... no matter how dumb she sounds. Especially when she secretly wants to dump him to get back with her old crew. Spencer - why does anybody care about him and what he thinks???? "

jt photography 10.22.08 | 12:36 PM
"I hope someday Justin learns to know how much he's hurting her. Had a boyfriend that did the same thing: reels you in and cast you out. It's a sick game."

omar 10.22.08 | 11:50 AM
"spencer and heidi y dont you both go get a life really i hate them spencer has the wierdest face ever as if he is a kinda of an unusual fish heheh he talks like SISis they dont put lauren alot these dasy dunno y i love lauren its all about audrina and justin and that ***** heidi with her bf spenc"
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