Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Palestinian Protesters at Israel Block Party

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 0

The Texas Hillel's 12th annual Israel Block Party was tonight on the South Mall, but not everyone was having a good time. There were several protesters on the South Mall steps holding signs and chanting "free, free Palestine."

the Israel Block Party had tents focusing on Israel’s culture, environmentalism, society, government, religion, and technology. A hookah hut, drum circle and a marketplace with traditional Middle Eastern cuisine were set up for attendees.

Protester Molly Odintz said the celebration of culture wasn't what the protesters had a problem with.

Three policeman were also on the South Mall in case things got out of hand. Although as far as I know it never did.

note* I realize this isn't much of a news story, I just snapped it on the way to class and I regret not talking to someone from the IBP, but I was already late. I left a message with the Texas Hillel, we'll see if they have anything to add.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Life is a Plastic Beach

Monday, March 1, 2010 0

Gorillaz are releasing a new album after five years entitled "Plastic Beach," and they're doing their fans a favor and streaming the entire album a week before the official release. I couldn't tell you how far in I am, but I like it so far. I've heard Snoop Dogg, Most Def, Super Furry Animal's Gruff Rhys, Little Dragon, Lou Reed and Bobby Womack are all contributing. Check it out on NPR.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's true

Saturday, February 27, 2010 0

I hope you guys have a good weekend. I'll be rotating the tires of someone I love, and I hope you are too.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Lenten promise: Day 7

Monday, February 22, 2010 0
I'm going into day 7 of my declaration to give up making fun of people for Lent, and I'm about as good at this as Heidi Montag is at not having plastic surgery. (Does that count? She is a celebrity. they're fair game I think.) I've staved off making fun of people all together, but unfortunately I'm only at being able to keep my mouth shut 1 out of every 10 times a caustic thought comes into it.

My younger sister was in town this weekend, so we were out and about in Austin every day and I'd catch myself pointing and shouting "Oh my God, look at that guy's..." at which point I would stop and it would be too late because she would know I was gawking at his skin tight jeans with a waistline that was far to low causing it to cup under his bulbous ass like a balconetta bra. Obviously, this is just as damaging as following through with the sentence.

This Lent is going to take a lot more effort than I've ever put into it, but it's going to be a process. It would be fairly impossible for me to stop making fun of people cold turkey; it's a mental habit and it's something I do in regular conversation without having to stop and find ways to insult someone.

It worries me that this is so hard for me. Have I been using degradation as a crutch for entertaining other people or keeping a conversation alive? I think the answer is yes, and that is a problem.

I'm fairly certain it's something I'll eventually able to control, but it will come in phases. I told my sister this weekend, it's going to take me realizing every time I make fun of someone (which will probably take place after the fact), and then I have to realize BEFORE I'm about to say it and be able to control that. It's pretty hard, mental habits are not like physical habits where you can just cease contact with the stimuli if it were candy or cokes. No, it is everywhere for me. You will know I've succeeded if the next time you see me I don't talk much, instead I just sit and bite my lip probably mumbling to myself.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Art Boobs event

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 0
Last Saturday I went to a fundraiser called I Art Boobies hosted by the Breast Cancer Resource Center. The boobathon was at the Blue Theater on the east side of Austin, which I was surprised to find out I'd never heard of because it is such a great little venue. The show was hosted by Lauren "Rainbow Girl" Lunsford a social activist from Tulsa, and had all kinds of things to see like nude model painting, boob inspired art and some kinky live burlesque shows. Of course, I took plenty of pictures and I'm impressed if you even took the time to read this instead of scrolling straight to the boobs.
Boob cupcakes for everyone!

These are two examples of some of the art on sale. It's a cast of an actual woman's torso.

These are from the body painting. "Rainbow Girl" is doing the painting, which i have to confess most of which were pretty hokey. Nothing was particularly stunning just flowers and heart. Most of it looked like it came out of my fifth grade spiral. I was not surprised to learn she didn't pick up a paint brush until she was 30.

The cabaret show was really enjoyable; this was a bull fight themed performance.
Then each of the girls performed a solo burlesque.
The peacock routine was to "Girl from Impanema," it was great.
The performer with the strawberry champagne did a weird techno themed burleque. It was very fast a neurotic. She wasn't the sexiest of performers either–more blue-collar than high class. And I've seen enough of Dita Von Teese's performances to be really disappointed when she didn't pour that big glass of Andre on herself at the end.

Contemporary Claptrap?

There's a good possibility that I change the name and picture on my blog more often than I update it.

bellybutton Lent

For the first time in at least a couple of years I'm going to take part in Lent again. I'm not particularly Catholic anymore– I don't much identify with any particular sect of Christianity these days–, but I think fasting and Lent are just generally good for you as a person; they serve to strengthen your conviction of will and resist temptation. Seeing as how I regularly over draw my bank account buying candy and alcohol my will power muscle could use some toning and definition. But I've given up food and drinks every Lent since I was a tot, so I'm trying something more original, difficult this year.

I am giving up making fun of other people. It's going to be a hard trial because someone needs to tell those idiots what's wrong with them, and I'm naturally really good at it! However, I have to step down from the position for a approximately a month and let someone else take on the job (I'll put out an application shortly.) so I know what it feels like to sacrifice doing something I love dearly.

That's all, I just wanted to declare it and make it official. I'm fairly certain I will update you on how hard and miserable this is for me, don't even worry your pretty little heads about it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

FML, I just got a ticket!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010 0
Ok Let's talk terrifying here for a minute. Am I the only one who thinks this ban on texting while driving in Austin is terrifying? I understand it's for good reason, I do, an APD senior officer says "teens that text message and drive are 23 times more likely to have an accident."

And really, if I'm honest, I'm guilty of texting and driving, which I don't believe is safe or a good idea at all, but what I'm not so sure about is how police officers are going to enforce the new law.

The KEYE article above says officers are looking for people who swerve, tailgate, drive too fast, or people who they spot looking down. Texting and poor driving skills don't always work in conjunction. Does this law make it possible to get a ticket for bad driving habits and have texting cited as the cause because a driver was looking down? I have to look down to change my CDs or for any number of reasons besides texting.

How do they prove a driver was texting? Sure, they can prove you're texting by looking at the time on your most recent text message, but I can also delete that message in two seconds flat; Is it worth their time to look through my phone record at AT&T? I'm not wild about the APD being able to look into my text record at will either.

For a crime that's punishable up to $200 it seems severely faulty to me and kind of a waste of time on their part. I'm hoping it more of just a scare tactic than something that will actually be put into practice.

Monday, January 4, 2010

I wish he saw more in me than just brains

Monday, January 4, 2010 1
This video is great.

I saw Regina Spektor at ACL a couple years ago and really wished that I could see her in a smaller darker venue; onstage playin' her piano she is adorable and humble and all around loveable . I imagine she would be great in a more intimate setting.

.... and then there's this video.

Friday, January 1, 2010

You're a virgin who can't drive

Friday, January 1, 2010 1
The middle school part of me that lies dormant most of the time really likes these animal clutches from Tsurubride at Etsy. They remind me of animal backpack purses and Clueless. They are surely fun if nothing else.

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